Cascata’s Everything DiSC® Program
A development program designed to help teams build stronger and more productive and effective working relationships.
Through participating in this program, participants:
Discover their own DiSC style: recognize the priorities, motivators, and stress triggers that shape their workplace experiences.
Explore other styles: understand the differences and similarities.
Appreciate the differences: discover priorities, preferences, and values that each individual brings to the team and how to learn to adapt to the styles of others.
Identify strategies to make more meaningful connections with colleagues: leverage various styles and work more effectively to reduce tension, solve problems, and contribute positively to your team and your organization.
How the Program Works
Complete an online assessment
Participants receive an email with a link and access code to an online Everything DiSC® profile assessment. It takes about 15-20 minutes to complete.
Receive an individualized report
Soon after, the team gathers for a team development session facilitated by Cascata. In this session team members:
Learn how – and how not – to use the DiSC profile assessments
Understand, appreciate, and explore how to leverage work style differences
Develop strategies for overcoming roadblocks in working with others
Improve the effectiveness and cohesiveness of your team
Receive a team map
And together, the team reviews their team map and learns about their team culture.
The Cascata Group is an Authorized Partner of Everything DiSC® and Certified Trainer.
The Five Behaviors of A Cohesive Team™
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ (“Five Behaviors Program”) is a team learning experience based on the work of Patrick Lencioni.
This model outlines the five behaviors that are key ingredients for developing a cohesive, high-functioning team: building trust, mastering conflict, achieving commitment, embracing accountability, and focusing on results. The Cascata Group has access to a wide variety of Five Behaviors tools and based on the needs of each team, builds a customized program to help teams build on strengths and target areas of focus for development.
Cascata Trainers provide:
Facilitation of group trainings customized based on team results
Administration of Five Behaviors online assessments
Consultation and support to maximize Program benefits
Components of The Five Behaviors Program
An Initial Online Assessment with three sets of questions:
Personal style questions to learn about your own work style and the styles of other members in the context of your team (Can be powered by Everything DiSC® or All Types™ which is designed exclusively for teams within organizations that apply tools based on Jung’s theory of psychological types, like the MBTI instrument.
A team assessment with questions specific to each of the five behaviors
Team culture questions
Team Report individualized for each team member featuring:
Summary of team assessment results
Team map w/team member style characteristics
Conflict team map
Customized points of discussion related to each of the five behaviors
Recommendations and tools for continued development
Follow-up Online Assessment & Team Progress Report
Celebrate successes and keep momentum by reassess your team and evaluating progress.
One-to-One Comparison Reports
Personalized one-to-one reports for any two team members. This is a great tool to help team members learn more about one another and improve their individual relationships and, by extension, their ability to work effectively together.
Cascata’s 360° Feedback Program
Feedback is a critically important component of a leader’s continuous development. Cascata's 360° Feedback Program is a powerful tool for increasing self-awareness and understanding strengths and development needs, and identifying development goals. This feedback-based individual development program forms the basis for achieving higher levels of performance and positive impact.
The process involves you selecting 15-20 feedback providers who are invited to complete an online assessment. You are encouraged to include people from all arenas of work and personal life: internal and external constituencies, managers, peers, direct reports, business associates, friends, and/or family members. Feedback providers are asked to evaluate you on key leadership competencies and provide open-ended comments which are compiled anonymously into a comprehensive actionable report that includes a gap reports and summaries for each leadership competency.
You and your Cascata coach work together to develop specific professional/personal development goals and plans. In order for you to sustain the learning and change, the Cascata coach provides a structure and coaching for you to solicit ongoing direct feedback from selected feedback partners. In addition to the coaching relationship, the Cascata coach will recommend additional structures and resources you might use toward achieving your goals.
We have found a one-size solution to 360° feedback does not fit all. For that reason, we have an alternative approach within Cascata’s 360° Feedback Program. Where the first utilizes an online assessment tool; the second utilizes an interview process inspired by Marshall Goldsmith that features conversations with feedback partners.
The personal interview process for collecting feedback generally includes 10-12 feedback providers and can be beneficial when seeking more in-depth feedback and analysis. Cascata coaches can provide consulting on the benefits of each to help you determine the more appropriate approach.